In Case You Missed It! On Tax Day, A Reminder That Money Handed To Amazon “Isn’t Free”

Date: April 15, 2019

In Case You Missed It!
On Tax Day, A Reminder That Money Handed To Amazon “Isn’t Free”

Avoiding corporate welfare to Amazon is something Republicans and Democrats “can agree on.”

“‘This money isn’t free,’ said [Center for Economic Accountability president John] Mozena. ‘It is money that can be used for roads, police officer and schools, investments that can significantly improve the quality of life for communities. You are taking money away from investments that can make your community a good place to live and attractive to companies in the long term.’

And that, he says, is ‘something that the principled left and the principled right” can agree on.’” (The Guardian, “Amazon faces new headache as Nashville deal enrages locals left and right,” Dominic Rushe, 4.15.19)

To read the full article, click here.



The Free & Fair Markets Initiative (FFMI) is a nonprofit watchdog committed to scrutinizing Amazon’s harmful practices and promoting a fair, modern marketplace that works for all Americans. For more information on the Free & Fair Markets Initiative, click here.

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