Date: December 12, 2018
Amazon’s Sweet-Talking And Slow-Walking On HQ2 Won’t Fool New Yorkers At City Council Hearing
New Yorkers Have No Reason To Trust Anything Amazon Says After HQ2 Process
Robert B. Engel, chief spokesperson for the Free & Fair Markets Initiative (FFMI), released the following statement ahead of this morning’s New York City Council hearing on Amazon’s close-door HQ2 negotiations.
“Kudos to City Council for standing up to Amazon and demanding answers about the shadowy HQ2 process that was designed to keep New Yorkers in the dark. But the reality is that residents have absolutely no reason to trust a single word Amazon says at this point.
“With Amazon planning to sweet-talk New Yorkers into submission and slow-walk details about how HQ2 could hurt Long Island City, it’s time for a no-nonsense community impact report.”
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