Date: June 28, 2019
In Case You Missed It!
Amazon Takes Center Stage At Democratic Debates
Senator Cory Booker took aim at Amazon for its tax evasion scheme, the only tech giant to be singled out for its anti-competitive behavior.
“I will single out companies like Halliburton or Amazon that pay nothing in taxes and our need to change that.” (The Washington Post, “The Technology 202: Amazon was the only tech giant called out on the debate stage,” Cat Zakrzewski, 06.28.19)
Entreprenuer Andrew Yang also blasted Amazon for its failure to pay a single dime in federal corporate income taxes last year as it stamps out the competition.
It’s difficult to do if you have companies like Amazon, trillion-dollar tech companies, paying literally zero in taxes while they’re closing 30 percent of our stores. Now, we need to put the American people in position to benefit from all these innovations in other parts of the economy. (Fox Business, “Andrew Yang slams Amazon over tax payments as he promotes UBI,” Brittany de Lea, 06.27.19)
Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke truth to power as part of her signature policy to take on big tech companies.
“We’ve had the laws out there for a long time to be able to fight back. What’s been missing is courage in Washington to take on the giants…It’s been far too long that the monopolies have been making the campaign contributions, the Super PACs have been out there making sure that their influence is heard and felt in every single decision that gets made in Washington. Where I want to start this is I want to return government to the people, and that means calling out the names of the monopolists and saying ‘I have the courage to go after them.’” (VentureBeat, “Elizabeth Warren on antitrust: ‘What’s been missing is courage in Washington to take on the giants,’” Khari Johnson, 06.28.19)
The Free & Fair Markets Initiative (FFMI) is a nonprofit watchdog committed to scrutinizing Amazon’s harmful practices and promoting a fair, modern marketplace that works for all Americans. For more information on the Free & Fair Markets Initiative, click here.