In Case You Missed It! Amazon Waging War On Its Third-Party Sellers

Date: April 18, 2019

In Case You Missed It!
Amazon Waging War On Its Third-Party Sellers

Amazon is cutting into the bottom lines of its third-party sellers with heavy-handed fees and exacting more control over their businesses.

“For the next few years, [Amazon seller Jason] Boyce’s experience on Amazon largely echoed what happens in the offline world: competitors entered the market, pushing down prices and making it harder to make a profit.


“But Amazon’s monster trove of data tell it not just what items are selling well but what shoppers are searching for and can’t find. And while many of Amazon’s branded products flop, that’s little consolation to merchants who watch the company copy a product and then proceed to nibble away at their business.” (Bloomberg, “Bezos Disputes Amazon’s Market Power. But His Merchants Feel the Pinch,” Spencer Soper, 4.17.19)

To read the full article, click here.



The Free & Fair Markets Initiative (FFMI) is a nonprofit watchdog committed to scrutinizing Amazon’s harmful practices and promoting a fair, modern marketplace that works for all Americans. For more information on the Free & Fair Markets Initiative, click here.

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