Date: October 23, 2018
Contact: mediacenter@freeandfairmarketsinitiative.org
The Fake 15 Will Allow Amazon Employees To Share Their Stories On How The So-Called Minimum Wage Increase Could Cost Them Thousands In Total Compensation
The Free & Fair Markets Initiative (FFMI) announced today The Fake 15 campaign to provide a platform for current Amazon employees to share their personal stories about how they could lose thousands in total compensation under the company’s new wage policy. Disguised in the announcement by Amazon was the fact that many workers could lose as much as $3,725 in compensation because of the elimination of monthly bonuses and stock grants.
The Fake 15 campaign will give Amazon employees a platform to speak up about what Amazon’s minimum wage announcement really means for their pocketbooks and how it could leave them with less overall money while Amazon continues to rake in billions in profits.
“We believe that Amazon employees deserve to have their voices heard and that’s why we’ve launched The Fake 15 campaign,” said Robert B. Engel, chief spokesperson for FFMI. “Amazon is big enough and profitable enough that they should pay their hourly employees a fair and living wage. While the initial announcement seemed like a step in the right direction, the devil in the details seemed to show it was nothing more than Amazon trying to save face amid growing criticism. The truth is it’s a sham.”
The Fake 15 will launch a digital advertising campaign and a website, TheFake15.com, where Amazon employees can submit confidential testimonials on how this so-called wage increase will impact them.
In one testimonial released by FFMI, a current Amazon employee says, “They’re taking away our monthly bonus that I’ve been relying on for the last 12 years.” She concludes that the additional rollback of the stock options will cost her $1,500-$2,000 per year.
To learn more, visit www.TheFake15.com.
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