They Said It! Entrepreneur “Thrilled” Amazon Did Not Choose His City For HQ2

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Date: January 10, 2019

They Said It!
Entrepreneur “Thrilled” Amazon Did Not Choose His City For HQ2

“If governments want long-term growth, enabling a diverse technological ecosystem is common sense.”

“Local governments need to understand the dynamics of startups and the local talent pool to preserve the ecosystem needed to build great companies (like mine). But with the alluring glitz and glamour of having Amazon in town, local politicians across North America completely forgot about the long term. They were willing to sacrifice the future of existing local companies for a chance to be seen with the Amazons.

It’s worth considering if a company like Amazon will create more destruction than growth for a city in the long term. Will the city now have all its eggs in one basket, and need to bow to the demands of the giant?” (Entreprenuer, “My City Wasn’t Chosen for Amazon’s HQ2. I’m Thrilled,” Carl Rodrigues, 1.9.10)

To read the full article, click here.



The Free & Fair Markets Initiative (FFMI) is a non-profit coalition of businesses, consumer advocacy groups, workers and community activists committed to scrutinizing and highlighting emerging market trends that are stifling competition and innovation, influencing federal and local government spending, putting consumer data in harm’s way and limiting consumer choice. For a list of members, please visit For more information on the Free & Fair Markets Initiative, please visit

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