Date: February 6, 2019
In Case You Missed It!
Amazon’s Entry Into The Logistics Business Will “Put Pressure” On Its Suppliers
Investments expert Sarat Sethi explains the threat Amazon poses to traditional delivery services with growing intrusion into logistics and the impact it will have on suppliers.
“One of the things going on with Amazon is the pressure on profit margins. As they get bigger, people are going to focus more on their earnings growth. And now here’s a key component of one of their biggest costs, which is really deliverables. If they can go after this, this is going to put a lot of pressure on suppliers.” (CNBC, “Amazon’s push for delivery service puts more pressure on its suppliers,” 1.23.19)
To watch the full clip, click here.
The Free & Fair Markets Initiative (FFMI) is a non-profit coalition of businesses, consumer advocacy groups, workers and community activists committed to scrutinizing and highlighting emerging market trends that are stifling competition and innovation, influencing federal and local government spending, putting consumer data in harm’s way and limiting consumer choice. For a list of members, please visit For more information on the Free & Fair Markets Initiative, please visit