Date: December 14, 2018
They Said It!
Storing America’s Most Sensitive Secrets on AWS Could Be “Breached” and “Our Enemies Could Use Our Information
Against Us”
Cybersecurity expert warns against single-source contract designs for sensitive information
“John Weiler, the director of the IT procurement group IT-AAC based in Washington, told the BBC: ‘I would not store my most personal data, nor would my fellow colleagues, in a commercial cloud, period, the end.’
“He says there are huge risks to storing such classified information on a public, commercially-held cloud run by just one company.
“We have our nuclear codes, where our troops are going to be from one day to the next. If the cloud’s security is breached, then our enemies could use our information against us. They could be waiting for us.” (BBC, “Is US military cloud safe from Russia? Fears over sensitive data,” Ruth Clegg & Manveen Rana, 12.13.18)
The Free & Fair Markets Initiative (FFMI) is a non-profit coalition of businesses, consumer advocacy groups, workers and community activists committed to scrutinizing and highlighting emerging market trends that are stifling competition and innovation, influencing federal and local government spending, putting consumer data in harm’s way and limiting consumer choice. For a list of members, please visit For more information on the Free & Fair Markets Initiative, please visit